Guidelines & Requirements

GRCoC Funding Process

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) solicits applications from communities to address the needs of those experiencing homelessness through a process called the Continuum of Care Program (CoC). View HUD CoC Funding ProcessClick here for information on HUD funding programs targeted to fight homelessness. 

The Virginia Homeless Solutions Program (VHSP) is a state- and federally-funded program to support Continuum of Care (CoC) strategies and homeless service and prevention programs. View VHSP Funding Process.

Both of these grant processes include the need for a collaborative application with supporting materials that are reviewed by our GRCoC Ranking Committee. The Ranking Committee uses the GRCoC Funding Priorities to guide it's decisions.


Each year, the GRCoC develops performance measures that allow us to evaluate how well the system, as a whole, and individual projects are meeting the goal of preventing and ending homelessness for our neighbors. The project performance measures will also be used to evaluate the performance of individual projects in the current VHSP and HUD Continuum of Care funding processes.

2024-25 Funding Priorities

Each year, the Greater Richmond Continuum of Care (GRCoC) establishes local priorities for allocating federal and state funds that provide approximately nine million dollars for programs working to solve homelessness in the region. The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development make this funding available to communities annually, through a data-driven, coordinated network known as the Continuum of Care. GRCoC funding priorities for these coordinated funding processes reflect local needs and are based on:

  •  input from people experiencing/with lived experience of homelessness in our community
  • performance measures and gaps analysis based on data from the Homeward Community Information System
  • priorities established in the federal HEARTH Act and the Virginia Homeless Solutions Program guidelines.

2024-25 Proposed Funding Priorities


The GRCoC Board approved GRCoC's local public sector investment strategy approach encouraging specific strategies to be funded by local public sector funding in order to amplify the work of the coordinated network of homeless assistance programs.

GRCoC Resolutions

The Greater Richmond Continuum of Care board expresses it gratitude for the strategic investments in proven local homeless assistance programs and commits to continuing to build on our partnerships to ensure that everyone has a safe place to call home.

Collaborative Applicant MOU 

Each year, the GRCoC confirms the appointment of an agency to act on its behalf as the designated Collaborative Applicant through a process of endorsement by the Governance Committee and approval by the GRCoC Board. Once approved the GRCoC Boad chair signed an MOU outlining the key practices and principles between GRCoC and our collaborative applicant. Homeward has served as the designated Collaborative Applicant since the formation of the GRCoC. This Collaborative Applicant MOU was signed September 2023 and in effect until the end of December 2024.

GRCoC 2024 Performance Measures

Previous Funding Resources

General Funding Resources

Performance Measures archive:

GRCoC 2022 Performance Measures

On Monday, July 18, 2022, the GRCoC Board approved FY 2022GRCoC project and system performance measures. The GRCoC project and system performance measures are used to score renewal projects during HUD CoC and DHCD VHSP funding competitions. They were updated and endorsed by the GRCoC Ranking Committee on Wed 7/13/22 based on review of baseline data from Homeward’s HMIS team and feedback from Quality Improvement Leadership (QIL) Committee. This is the first time since COVID, so the baselines have changed significantly.


GRCoC 2020 Performance Measures

On February 7, 2020, the GRCoC Board approved the 2020 System and Project Performance Measurements. Each year, the GRCoC develops performance measures that allow us to evaluate how well the system, as a whole, and individual projects are meeting the goal of preventing and ending homelessness for our neighbors. The project performance measures will also be used to evaluate the performance of individual projects in the 2020-2022 VHSP and FY20 HUD Continuum of Care funding processes.

Send questions about GRCoC Coordinated Funding to 

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